20 篇文章

Problem Description As you know, Gardon trid hard for his love-letter, and now he's spending too much time on choosing flowers for Angel. When Gardon entered the flower shop, …
Problem Description Are you excited when you see the title "AC" ? If the answer is YES , AC it ; You must learn these two combination formulas in the school . If you have forg…
[HDU#1563]Find your present!
Problem Description In the new year party, everybody will get a "special present".Now it's your turn to get your special present, a lot of presents now putting on the desk, an…
[HDU#1562]Guess the number
Problem Description Happy new year to everybody! Now, I want you to guess a minimum number x betwwn 1000 and 9999 to let (1) x % a = 0; (2) (x+1) % b = 0; (3) (x+2) % c = 0; a…
[HDU#1555]How many days?
Problem Description 8600的手机每天消费1元,每消费K元就可以获赠1元,一开始8600有M元,问最多可以用多少天? Input 输入包括多个测试实例.每个测试实例包括2个整数M, k,(2 <= k <= M <= 1000).M = 0, k = 0代表输入结束. Output 对于每个测试实例输出一个整数…
[HDU#1491]Octorber 21st
Problem Description HDU's 50th birthday, on Octorber 21st, is coming. What an exciting day!! As a student of HDU, I always want to know how many days are there between today a…
Problem Description 大家常常感慨,要做好一件事情真的不容易,确实,失败比成功容易多了! 做好“一件”事情尚且不易,若想永远成功而总从不失败,那更是难上加难了,就像花钱总是比挣钱容易的道理一样。 话虽这样说,我还是要告诉大家,要想失败到一定程度也是不容易的。比如,我高中的时候,就有一个神奇的女生,在英语考试的时候,竟然把40个单项…
[HDU#1420]Prepared for New Acmer
Prepared for New Acmer Time Limit: 2000/1000 MS (Java/Others) Memory Limit: 65536/32768 K (Java/Others) Problem Description 集训进行了将近2个礼拜,这段时间以恢复性训练为主,我一直在密切关注大家的训练情况,目前为止,对大家的表…
[HDU#1412] {A} + {B}
{A} + {B} Time Limit: 10000/5000 MS (Java/Others) Memory Limit: 65536/32768 K (Java/Others) Problem Description 给你两个集合,要求{A} + {B}. 注:同一个集合中不会有两个相同的元素. Input 每组输入数据分为三行,第一行有两个…